New Datasheets and Wiring Instructions

Jul 23, 2014

We have been very busy recently retesting our products and updating our datasheets and wiring instructions. Quite a lot of these are already available in the new format and can be found on the website or PDF’s can be requested from the Sales Team.

We have moved away from the printed catalogue format as we are constantly improving and developing our products, causing the printed catalogues to become out dated quickly. A range overview of our products can still be requested from the Sales Team for a collection of our products, however technical data is best requested as required to ensure that it is fully up to date. Our wiring instructions are also being updated, with your commonly asked questions in mind, to ensure they are as helpful and as easy to follow as possible.

If you still can’t find the information you require, please contact our Sales Team on 01283 550850, or email, and we will be happy to assist you further.