2005 Meningitis Trust Lands End to John O’Groats 72 Hour Non Stop Cycle Challenge

Jun 14, 2005

72 Hour Challenge 

On Friday 10th June 2005 a gruelling cycle ride came to an end.  However it was worth the 950 miles in 71 hours and 31 minutes, as it was all to raise money for The Meningitis Trust.  A grand total of over £6000 was raised.  deegee was delighted to help the team out, by providing a xenon flashing vehicle beacon for the support vehicle, to keep the riders safe and alert other road-users to the (slightly!) slower traffic ahead.  www.72hourchallenge.org.uk

The Meningitis Trust provides practical and emotional support to people affected by meningitis and increases understanding of the disease through targeted awareness campaigns and specialist learning resources.  www.meningitis-trust.org.uk