“So how’s the show been for you?” is the common question between exhibitors on every final day of the Hannover Messe. And I think we need to give a resounding “thumbs-up”!!
It’s been a week of many international visitors to the stand, which is good for us as we seek to extend our presence further across the globe; also interest from a lot of distributors, which was our key objective for this particular show.
Will we be back? Same place next year sounds good to us!
Whilst we’ve had some great opportunities to introduce and demonstrate the new products this week at the show, don’t worry if you couldn’t make it; we’ll send you the data sheets and full pricing early part of next week . But remember, the show doesn’t end till 6pm Friday 29th April so if you still get a chance to drop by, we’d be very pleased to welcome you.
The Hannover Messe is a great opportunity to meet up with existing distributors and demonstrate the newest additions to the deegee beacon and sounder range . This year is no exception, and we have appreciated the time taken to discuss new opportunities with you all. Despite an ongoing public transport strike, the third day proved as fruitful as the first two, with some really good quality meetings taking place.
Following on from yesterday’s visitors we were joined today on the stand at Hannover Messe by Robosapien, showing us his moves and generally causing some smiles and laughter from our exhibition guests. Wendy became rather adept at getting the robot to dance and wave, much to everyone’s enjoyment. And we had some great leads too!
Proceedings in Hall 11 at the Hannover fair were slightly delayed this morning due to some very prominent visitors! Having completed the stand handover a day ahead of the usual build-plan due to heightened security measures including a complete lock-down of the hall on Sunday, the deegee team had a prime viewing spot as the Hannover Messe welcomed President Barack Obama and Dr Angela Merkel.