techNOTE – Telephone Initiated Beacons

techNOTE – Telephone Initiated Beacons

techNOTE - Telephone Beacons

The latest in our 2014 techNOTE series is published today aiming to help you select the very best product for your application.  The series unpacks some of the product differences across our range and outline the pros and cons of some of the individual options.

This techNOTE discusses our Telephone Initiated Beacons – these are designed to give a visual indication of a ringing telephone.  This techNOTE can be downloaded here.

All techNOTE articles will be available on our download page as they are published – be sure to check-back often!

techNOTE – Combined Sounder Beacons

techNOTE – Combined Sounder Beacons

techNOTE - Combined Sounder Beacons

The latest in our 2014 techNOTE series is published today aiming to help you select the very best product for your application.  The series unpacks some of the product differences across our range and outline the pros and cons of some of the individual options.

This techNOTE discusses some of our Combined Sounder Beacons – these give both a visual and an audible warning at the same point.  This techNOTE can be downloaded here.

All techNOTE articles will be available on our download page as they are published – be sure to check-back often!

techNOTE – LED Status Signals

techNOTE – LED Status Signals


The latest in our 2014 techNOTE series is published today aiming to help you select the very best product for your application.  The series unpacks some of the product differences across our range and outline the pros and cons of some of the individual options.

This techNOTE discusses some of our LED Status Signals – used to signify the varying status of a machine, process, situation, etc.  This techNOTE can be downloaded here.

All techNOTE articles will be available on our download page as they are published – be sure to check-back often!

techNOTE – Installation Accessories

techNOTE – Installation Accessories

The latest in our 2014 techNOTE series is published today aiming to help you select the very best product for your application.  The series unpacks some of the product differences across our range and outline the pros and cons of some of the individual options.

This techNOTE discusses our extensive range of installation accessories to ease product installation into your specific application.  This techNOTE can be downloaded here.

All techNOTE articles will be available on our download page as they are published – be sure to check-back often!

Hannover Messe 2015

Hannover Messe 2015

As a part of the Company’s strategic marketing plan for 2014/15, D. G. Controls Ltd will be back at the massive Hannover Messe exhibition next year.

Running from 13th – 17th April 2015, the show offers a fantastic forum for meeting existing and not yet clients, spending time demonstrating the product range and networking.

The full range of deegee beacons and sounders will be exhibited at booth C47/1 in Hall 11.  This is a new location for the visual warning suppliers, at the heart of where our client base attends, making your visit to the show even more efficient.

Register with us for free tickets to Hannover 2015 by sending your name and e-mail or postal address.  We shall forward tickets to you as soon as available.

Meanwhile, for assistance with travel and accommodation have a look at the following site.

We’re looking forward already to a great show and a great meet-up with you all.