Beacons and their Applications

Jun 21, 2023

When choosing a beacon or sounder as a warning signal there are many things that need to be considered for selecting the correct signal for the intended environment.

As a general rule, when choosing the best beacon or sounder for your application you firstly need to start by looking at the location of the intended warning signal and consider:

– The IP rating needed by the signal enclosure.

– The ambient temperature of the area.

– The available electrical supply in the area.

– The noise level in the area if selecting a sounder – note, it needs to be louder than the noise already in place.

– The existing light in the area if selecting a beacon – note, it needs to be brighter than the lights already in place.

– Potential explosion area.

Bearing these points in mind, you now need to consider the application fully that the warning signal is to be used on. A visual signal must be applied in such a way that anyone who sees it can recognise it and is able to react immediately to it. The colours Red/Amber/Green are the most standard form of visual signalling and most people can recognise and relate to each colour. The colours Blue and White give additional levels of indication.

Again, as a general rule, these colours mean:

Alternative colours and even shapes may be used to signify the above table, this is just a general guideline. Ultimately, it is up the end user what they wish each colour to signify on their application.

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