Modular Stacking Beacons

Jun 26, 2024

Modular Stacking Beacons are also known as Beacon Stacks, Andon Lights, Indicator Lights, Signal Tower Lights and Light Towers.
They are a very easy to use product due to their click together mechanism, making them ideal for many applications, particularly for multi-signalling applications.

The design of modular stacking beacons means each tower can be comprised of different lamp types, different colours, different mode types and sounders all mixed freely in one stack, giving it the versatility to be used in so many applications and giving the end-user ease of use.
This design also helps with future maintenance as modules can be added or removed safely and with ease.

Stacking beacons are essential for manufacturing environments as well as places where process and machine operation take place due to their instant and easy understanding. Their ideal use in on various types of equipment to show the operating status of machinery in process control environments, increasing productivity and minimising wastage time, but they are so versatile that you have probably seen them in supermarkets too on the self-checkout tills!
Modern technology allows these types of beacons to be used to their full potential as they can be controlled using PC control systems and controllers incorporating sensors, timers and relays.

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