
Day 4 – In Praise of Tinned Produce – Live Below the Line
I had a rather interesting comment from a friend today, who has not been as close as some to the preparation for this challenge. Having asked what sort of things we’ve been eating, the question was asked, “ Oh, have you not had any fruit then?” My response was of...

Day 3 – Hmmm……….Live Below the Line
Wednesdays are always quite an active day for the Whiten boys, as it’s PE and swimming lessons (and of course school) for the eldest, pre-school and swimming lessons for the middle one, and a busy morning for mummy and the baby gardening. This was the first morning...

Day 2 – Live Below the Line
Day 2 of Live Below the Line has been successfully completed! Although I was ready for my breakfast, I think it was more because this challenge has been so much on my mind for weeks all I am thinking about is food, rather than because I was overly hungry. I and the...

Day 1 – Live Below the Line
Day 1 of Live Below the Line is complete, and no tummies are rumbling, although I did have a wobble about 4.30pm so decided it was time to make the evening meal! Today was meatballs and pasta day. I based the meatballs recipe on my usual, but DRASTICALLY stripped, as...
EN54-23:2010 – Deadline moved to 31st December 2013
The coexistence period for EN 54-23 ended at the beginning of March 2013 meaning that "Visual Alarm Devices" (VAD) or "Beacons" sold for notifying a person to an Fire Alarm are required to be CE marked to EN54-23:2010. Due to the shortage of certified products in the...

How much is £20 worth? Live Below the Line
So the shops have been hit, the £20 note has been broken, and there’s a few quid still in the purse for the “renewals” later in the week. My eldest son (5 years old) has never been SO excited to see a pile of shopping as I laid it out to photograph, and then we set it...

Life (and shopping!) is all about choices – Live Below the Line
In preparing the menus for our Live Below the Line challenge, I have learnt a lot about myself and my shopping psyche. Having 3 small children I visit the supermarket probably 2 or 3 times a week to buy bread & milk, although I can often spend a minimum of £15-20...

New online delivery communications
We have worked hard to improve your delivery experience and have, following a thorough review, selected a new carrier for standard despatches. One of the key improvements for you is that we now have a new way for you to check your delivery status! Once you have placed...

Live Below the Line
D. G. Controls Ltd has always been run according to the highest ethical and moral values, and is well-aware of its wider social accountability; to use the correct terminology, its “Corporate & Social Responsibility” or CSR. Being a long-established business, but...
Tech Thursday – REACH (for the stars!)
Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) REACH came into force on 1st June 2007, essentially an environmental and health & safety initiative to...
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